Pooja Agarwal

Terms Of Use

We recommend the PolicyADDA.com website user carefully read & understand the Terms of Use before accessing the website.

All the terms and uses for the PolicyADDA.com are clearly mentioned below-

License to Use

The website can be accessed and used only by those individuals who have reached a certain qualified age as prescribed by the legal authorities.

Acceptable Use Policy

The user can access the site but the PolicyAdda reserves full rights to withdraw part of the services or full services without notice to the user.

The user may view the content and use it for private & non-commercial purposes.

The user may print the individual web pages for the purpose of personal use. However, such use should not violate the copyrights and trademarks policies.

PolicyAdda reserve the right to limit the access of certain pages from the user.

The users can use the offered website's personalized features, however, they should not reproduce or reverse engineer.

The user should not distribute, disseminate or syndicate the content or data available on the website.

The users are prohibited to copy and store important information, data, or any such material which will violate the Copyrights policies.

If the user intents to share the webpages, then he/she can use the share options available in the respective web browser without violating the other acceptable use policy terms mentioned herein.

The available content and the information can be removed anytime without the prior notice or consent of the users.

The user should be responsible for the reliance on the information or data available on the website.

User Accounts

It is the complete responsibility of the user to provide accurate details for the registration on the website. PolicyAdda relies on the registration information provided by the users.

The user holds the right to cancel or terminate the user registration with PolicyADDA.com

Multiple registrations by a single user are prohibited.

Modification of Site

PolicyAdda holes the right to change, alter or modify the site whenever required without consent and prior notice to the users.

Certain sections from the websites can be completely terminated without any notice to the users.

The user is responsible for any inconvenience caused due to the modifications or the changes in the website.

Maintenance of the Site

PolicyAdda will fix the issue and technical errors occurring on the website from time to time. The users may not be notified of the emergency maintenance actions undertaken by PolciyAdda.com

During such maintenance, the site might be partially or fully inaccessible to the users. In such cases, complete customer support will be provided to the users.


PolicyAdda holds the right to terminate any user on the basis of the internal policies from registering, accessing, or using the website features.